Anemone Platform

The new platform and ecosystem targeting not only the fintech startups

Dear friends,

it is my pleasure to pitch a new exciting platform Anemone from the Czech startup company Juicymo.

Juicymo has a proven track record in the field of mobile apps development, backends, UX and UI design. Moreover, our friend and the CTO of the company, Tomáš Jukin, has a passion for electronics, IoT, and 3D printing. There is no doubt why Česká spořitelna, one of the leading banks in the Czech Republic, has chosen Juicymo as their competent technology partner to create the Anemone IoT platform.

So what is this Anemone platform about? It is the ecosystem of cloud, web and mobile app, hardware devices, 3D-printed enclosures, documentation, support and I am sorry if I forgot something… 🙂 It helps the so-called fintechs (startups from the financial sector) to come up with the new ideas and leverage modern IoT and cloud technologies in the world of finances. Technically speaking, it is about flows and tentaclesFlows make it possible to create visual bonds between triggers and actions, while tentacles are a hardware IoT devices you can hook into the flows. And Anemone can do it neatly and simply. You have two options to interact with your flows – either in your web browser in the mobile app (available for both iOS an Android, currently in ALPHA versions, iOS version is in review). Moreover, the whole concept is open and comes with beautiful website and documentation – all the credits to Juicymo team, lead by Jana Moudrá, the CEO of Juicymo.

And how is it related to the HARDWARIO IoT kit? Out kit is integrated as one of the available tentacles in the latest Anemone evolution. The other hardware platform option is NodeMCU. Currently Anemone offers two HARDWARIO tentacles – Base and Remote. But Tomáš and his team went far beyond the pure software integration phase. They have developed beautiful 3D-printed cases for these two tentacles and established HARDWARIO Thingiverse account – BIG THANKS for that!

In HARDWARIO, we are excited to see more and more companies integrating HARDWARIO IoT Kit to their ecosystem, products or just have fun and build crazy prototypes on top of it.


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Anemone Platform

The new platform and ecosystem targeting not only the fintech startups Dear friends, it is my pleasure to pitch a new exciting platform Anemone from the Czech

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